What To Expect
Your first visit usually takes anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.
You will be greeted by a friendly, courteous staff. Your doctor will take a complete history of your condition — when did it start, what happened, when does it hurt, etc. In addition your chiropractor will ask about your family history, dietary habits, previous injuries, other care you may have had (chiropractic, osteopathic, medical, etc.) your job, and other questions designed to help determine the nature of your illness and the best way to go about treating the problem. This one-on-one talk is very important in making a diagnosis. Please bring any pertinent information such as MRI reports or X-rays. These will aid in the assessment of our diagnosis.
A physical examination may be performed in accordance with your doctor of chiropractic’s clinical judgment, which may include x-rays, laboratory analysis and other diagnostic procedures. In addition, a careful spinal examination and analysis will be performed to detect any structural abnormalities which may be affecting or causing your condition. All of these elements are important components of your total health profile, and vital to the doctor of chiropractic in evaluating your the best course of action to take to bring you back to pain free days.
We will also discuss insurance and work with you on the costs.